Skopje Pride Weekend proudly presents the video documenting this year’s Skopje Pride Weekend 2018.
The Skopje Pride Weekend 2018 – QUEERING THE POLITICAL took place in Skopje from 07-10 June, organized by ‘Coalition Margins’ and ‘LGBTI Support Centre – Helsinki Commitee’.
The specific goal of the 2018 edition of the festival, QUEERING THE POLITICAL, is to explore and problematize the hegemonic political imaginations and practices, and their entanglement and constitutive dependency on normative frames and representations of gender and sexuality, on the one hand, and to present the various non-hegemonic world-building projects steering from queer and feminist communities, practices and experiences, as alternative and utopian potentialities that could open our political imaginations towards new, open and democratic horizons.
QUEERING THE POLITICAL aims to reevaluate the figurative status of queerness in the frames of the hegemonic cultural-political space – queerness as the radical difference, as the signifier of excluded life forms, as a defiance to all identitarian frames, as the excessiveness in relation to normalization’s grids, as a failure of the politics of “reproductive futurism” – and to recognize and mobilize queerness as the symptomatic disclosure and actualisation of the very impossibility of the totalitarian attempts for enclosing life and defining the limits of cultural and political communities.
We’d like to thank our supporters:: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Фондација Отворено општество – Македонија, Министерство за култура, Европската унија и Civica Mobilitas.
Video announcement:
Video documentation:
Performance by TRAVIS ALABANZA:
Performance by Sonja Sajzor, Haus of K.G. и Ostroga Mi: