One in three Vietnamese support marriage equality

One in three Vietnamese support marriage equality

A new poll of the Vietnamese people has found that one in three support marriage equality and that most agree that same-sex couples being able to marry would not affect their lives


The ‘Social Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage’ study polled over 5,000 Vietnamese people and found that 52.9% of the participants oppose same-sex marriage while 33.7 percent support it.


41.2% supported the idea of same-sex couples living together as a household and 62% admitted to knowing of a same-sex couple who were living together.

30% said they had a gay or lesbian friend or relative.


72% of those polled admitted that allowing same-sex couples to marry would have no affect on their family.


The study was released on Wednesday by Vietnam’s Institute of Sociology, Institute for Studies of Society, Economy and Environment (iSEE) and the Health Strategy and Policy Institute. The results come as Vietnamese lawmakers are considering amendments to the country’s Marriage and Family Law that may include some form of recognition of same-sex relationships.


Source: Gay Star News