France’s first gay marriage: by the end of this month

France’s first gay marriage: by the end of this month

The mayor of Montpellier, France announced that her city will celebrate the first gay marriage on 29 May.


The celebration will take place as soon as the French marriage equality law is officially promulgated, ten days after signed by president François Hollande and published in the Official Journal,explained today (18 May) the city’s mayor Hélène Mandroux.


Mandroux is expected to marry 40 year-old Vincent Autin, chair of Inter-LGBT Languedoc-Roussillon region and 30 year-old Bruno, who have been together since last September.


On 27 September, 2012, Najat Belkacem-Vallaud, France’s Minister of Women’s Rights, assured that the first gay wedding would take place in Montpellier.


Autin said Belkacem-Vallaud had told him she would be present at the wedding, ‘I am honored and flattered,’ he commented.


Montpellier, nicknamed ‘French San Francisco’, was voted in December 2012 as the most ‘gay friendly city’ in France, by readers of the country’s main LGBT publication, Têtu.