Славчо Димитров (р.1984) има дипломирано на катедрата за Општа и компаративна книжевност на Филолошкиот факултет на УКИМ, Скопје. Магистрира, првин, на Родови студии и филозофија на Институтот Евро-Балкан, а потоа на катедрата за Мултидисциплинарни родови студии на Универзитет на Кембриџ. Моментално ја работи својата докторска теза на Факултетот за медиуми и комуникации СИНГИДУНУМ во Белград. Работел како асистент на последипломските родови и културни студии на Универзитетот Евро-Балкан, и на додипломски и последипломски студии на Факултетот за медиуми и комуникации – СИНГИДУНУМ, Белград. Во последните неколку години има координирано голем број на академски проекти и летни школи, како и проекти во областа на човековите права на маргинализираните заедници, со посебен фокус на квир активизмот. Основач е на интернационалната Летна школа за сексуалности, култури и политики. Исто така е еден од основачите на Центарот за истражувања на идентитети, култури и политики, ИПАК. Центар во Белград. Во Коалицијата работи од почетоците на нејзиното основање, како член, како координатор и како директор. Неговиот активистички интерес се однесува на политиките на настраноста (квир политики), сексуалното и родовото граѓанство и еднаквост, правата на маргинализираните заедници и нивното испресекување со прашањата со социјална правда.





  • Dimitrov, Slavcho. “The Heteronormative Distribution of the Sensible” in Hassentab,Christine and Ramet, P. Sabrina. Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in South-Eastern Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire: 2015)
  • Dimitrov, Slavco. “Distitled: Queering Identity, Shame, and Community” in GJSS-Graduate Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.1 Issue 1, pp. 47-76
  • Dimitrov, Slavcho. Impossible Confessions: Subjectivity, Power and Ethics (Galikul, Skopje: 2014), book
  • Dimitrov, Slavcho The Art of Failure: Affective Aliens (Coalition SHRMC, Skopje: 2014), edited book and exhibition catalogue
  • Dimitrov Slavcho. “History and Anthropology of Gay Clubbing in Belgrade” in Blagojevic J., Loncarevic K. 2013. Medzu nama. Belgrade, Serbia
  • Dimitrov, Slavcho. “History of the Experience of AIDS and Homosexuality in Serbia: 1984 – 2012” in Blagojevic J., Loncarevic K. 2013. Medzu nama. Belgrade, Serbia
  • Blagojevich, Jelisaveta and Dimitrov, Slavcho. “Unthinkable: Bodies-in-Common, Queerness and the Ethico-Political Fiction in the Present” in Antropologija Br. 12 Sv.2, Beograd, 2012.
  • Blagojevich, Jelisaveta and Dimitrov, Slavcho. “Revisiting Heteronormativity: A madman who believes he is heterosexual is no more mad than a heterosexual who believes he is heterosexual” in Duhacek, Dasha ed. Kultura, rod, građanski status. Belgrade: Center for Women’s Studies, 2012.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Sexualities in Transition”, in Daskalova, K., Hornstein Tomić, C., Kaser, K. and Radunović, F. (eds) Gendering Post-Socialist Transition: Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives. Vienna: Erste Foundation, 2012.
  • Trajanoski, Z and Dimitrov S. (eds) (Homo)Sexuality and the Education in the Republic of Macedonia. Coalition for Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities, Skopje, 2011.
  • Dimitrov, S. “The Lived Revolution: Solidarity with the Body in Pain as the New Political Universal by Katerina Kolozova” in Aspasia, International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History, 2010.
  • Lozanoska, J., and Dimitrov, S. (eds) Integrating Differences – Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the Balkans on its Road to the EU: Proceedings from a regional conference. Skopje: Euro-Balkan, 2009.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Sexuality and Gender in Macedonian Art: An Interview with prof. Nebojsa Vilic”. Identities – Journal for politics, culture and gender, 7 (1/2), 2008/2009.
  • Dimitrov, S. “The Perverse Pleasure of Curating” in, Milevska, S., and Tanurovska, B. Curatorial Translation. Skopje: Evro-Balkan, 2008.
  • Dimitrov, S. “That Dark Object of Desire: Towards David Halperin, What Do Gay Men Want”. Identities – Journal for politics, culture and gender, 6 (2/3), 2007/2008.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Paradoxes of Autonomy: Towards the Ethics of Precariousness”, in
  • Mojancevska, K. (ed) Through woman’s perspective, Skopje: Multimedia, 2008.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Killing for Survival”. In Profeminist White Flowers-Sands 1974, a monograph for the American Contemporary Artist Sands Murray-Wassink. Munchen: Stadtichen Kunsthalle, 2007.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Extasis- Coercion and Vulnerability. An Analysis of Judith Butler’s Undoing gender”. Identities – Journal for politics, culture and gender, 5 (2), 2006.
  • Dimitrov, S. “Dogville – Градот без граѓани, градот без луѓе” (Dogville – City Without Citizens, City Without People). Mirage. Skopje, 2006.



  • 2014. Research project “Representation of Gender Minority Groups in Media: Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia” (2014-2015, in progress), Junior Researcher, Coalition for Protection and Promotion of Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities, Skopje, ongoing
  • Gendered Reading of the City, Senior Researcher Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum, Belgrade
  • 2013/14. History and Anthropology of Gay Clubbing in Belgrade, Senior Researcher HARTEFAKT, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2013/14. History of the Experience of AIDS and Homosexuality in Serbia: 1984 – 2012, Senior Researcher HARTEFAKT, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2012 – 2013. Society, Gender, Sexuality, Sexual Health and MSM in Macedonia: Community Based Research, Senior Researcher UNAIDS and H.E.R.A, Skopje, Macedonia
  • 2008 – 2011. National Identity and Media, Work Package 4 from Ge.Mi.IC (Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interaction in SEE), Senior Researcher Euro-Balkan Institute: International Research Project granted by EC, FP7
  • Sexualities in Transition: Discourses, Power and Sexual Minorities in Transitional Macedonia, Senior Researcher Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje, Macedonia. Granted by Erste Bank Foundation
  • Love Only After School Classes: Assessment of the Need and Availability of Information from the Domain of Sexual Education in Macedonia, Assistant Researcher H.E.R.A, Skopje, Macedonia. Granted by IPPF
  • Media, Non-Discrimination and Marginalized Communities, Assistant Researcher HOPS-Healthy Options Project Skopje: Granted by OSCE