

Проценка на влијанието на намалувањето на насилството врз сексуалните работнички врз ХИВ епидемијата во Кенија и Украина: Вежба во моделирање на политики


Родени слободни и еднакви – Сексуалната ориентација и родовиот идентитет во Меѓународното право за човекови права


Law and Health Initiative’s Digest—Issue 2011
SWAN Билтен, Издание бр. 23 Март/Април 2009
The Malfunction (Queer Beograd 2007)
Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society
Our Lives Matter: Sex Workers Unite for Health and Rights (August 2008, Open Society Institute; Anna-Louise Crago)


The Transgender Community & HIV/AIDS Research
(October 2007, Capital Area Vaccine Effort; David Mariner
ILGA-Europe Web Guide on International Human Rights References to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
(January 2008, ILGA-Europe & COC Netherlands)
Handbook on monitoring and reporting homophobic and transphobic incidents
Transgender EuroStudy: Legal Survey and Focus on the Transgender Experience of Health Care
(April 2008ansgender EuroStudy: Legal Survey and Focus on the Transgender Experience of Health Care (April 2008)



Different Families, Same Rights? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Families under International Human Rights Law (December 2007)
SWAN Билтен, Издание бр. 20 Година 3, Лето 2008



2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS)
Criminalization of HIV transmission: Policy brief (UNAIDS)
HIV Terminology guide (UNAIDS)
Reducing HIV stigma and discrimination: a critical part of national AIDS programmes (UNAIDS)
Reducing HIV stigma and discrimination: a critical part of national AIDS programmes (UNAIDS)