The Commission For Protection From Discrimination in The Republic of Macedonia ruled that the content of the textbook “Pedagogy For The Third Year” is disturbing, creates a feeling of humiliation and hurts the dignity of a group of people which comes out from the discriminatory basis on which it was implemented by the Ministry Of Education And Science and the authors of the textbook: Prof. Marija Kostova, Prof. Aneta Barakoska and Eli Makazlieva.

The Coalition “Sexual And Health Rights Of The Marginalized Communities” stated that the Commission for anti-discrimination recommends that the Ministry for education and science do a revision of the content of the textbook and that the revised content should not contain elements of disturbance on a discriminatory level.

In the textbook in the point titled Sexuality with the subtitle “The Backwardness Of Sexual Life” it is claimed that “homosexuality and lesbianism are variations of sexual desire and as backwardness of sexuality they manifest them selves with the attraction of the individual towards the same sex. It can be noticed both in the case of men and women, though in the case of women it’s very rare. Among the people of both sexes who have that kind of orientation, there are a lot of neurotic and psychotic individuals”.

The recommendation is obligatory and The Ministry of Education and Sciences should act upon it and should remove the problematic content in period of 30 days.

The Coalition was supportive of the decision of the Commission For Protection From Discrimination.