Support for the Budapest declaration

Support for the Budapest declaration

In June 2001, by the initiative of HCLU from Hungary, a meeting was held for the representatives of the countries of Central and South Eastern Europe on which the Network of the countries with low HIV prevalence was formed and there were representatives from HOPS, HERA and Together we are stronger.


The conclusion of the representatives was that our governments and the public population still don’t consider HIV as their problem. Because there are few people who live with HIV, there are even less supporters and medical personal, the capacity for an answer to HIV in our countries is limited.


With this lowered social influence, the need for reaction is not that urgent.

Still we are facing with the same obstacles as the people in the countries with high HIV prevalence, including human rights violations, the problem with therapy availability and psychosocial obstacles that have influence on all aspects of the persons that are concerned with HIV.


In the direction for actualizing the state and needs on a regional level. The delegates prepared a declaration titled the Budapest declaration – Central and South Eastern Europe needs more positive attention.


Please, take a moment to read the declaration and to give support: