Quebec to set up drug-injection sites

Quebec to set up drug-injection sites

MONTREAL – Quebec, emboldened by a recent Supreme Court ruling, plans to set up supervised drug injection sites in its two largest cities, despite vocal opposition.

Quebec Health Minister Yves Bolduc says the province is in discussions with two needle-distribution groups – Cactus Montreal and the Point de Reperes centre in Quebec City.

Both organizations currently distribute needles to addicts and are prepared to offer supervised drug injection once they’re given the green light.

Bolduc opened the door to the projects 10 days after the high court ruled that Vancouver’s Insite injection centre, the only one in Canada, can remain open indefinitely.

The Supreme Court ruling has set off a spirited debate in Quebec City. Merchants and a city councilor say drug users are bad for business and quality of life. Anti-addiction advocates argue that injection sites reduce crime as well as diseases spread by dirty needles.