Over 4000 police sign up to support harm reduction

Over 4000 police sign up to support harm reduction

With over 4000 signatures from police from all around the world, the Statement of Support for Harm Reduction will be launched at a meeting of The United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on Tuesday the 23rd of April.


The Statement has been created by police and for police, making it an important learning tool as well as a powerful step forward in acknowledging the often-underestimated role of law enforcement in HIV prevention. This launch is an opportunity to introduce the International Police Advisory Group

to the member states and delegations at the CCPCJ meeting. It is also a chance to voice the experiences and knowledge of the growing network of police officers committed to effective police practices for key populations affected by HIV.


This Statement of Support is signed by serving and former law enforcement agents in support of policies and practices for effective policing of communities for controlling the epidemic of HIV among key populations and the broader community, ameliorating harmful impacts of the inappropriate application of criminal and administrative laws, stigmatization and discrimination to which key populations are exposed.



The meеting of The United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will be held between the 22nd and 26th of April in Vienna.


The petition can be signed here