The first LGBT activist base has been formed in Tetovo

The first LGBT activist base has been formed in Tetovo

Within the project „Civil initiative for LGBT rights” implemented by the Coalition “Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities” in partnership with the organization LGBT United -Tetovo, the first LGBT activist base has been formed in Tetovo.


In the next period, the formation of two more activist bases has been planed, one in Gostivar and one in Kumanovo.


The goal of the civil initiative for the rights of LGBT population is to strengthen the capacities of the civil LGBT rights activism on a local level, to create a wide front for the support of LGBT rights and to realize public and media campaigns on a local level that will raise awareness for the LGBT rights within the local population, the local municipalities and the institution of the system.


We hope that this initiative will provide a larger visibility of the LGBT persons and provide a development of the LGBT movement in other towns outside Skopje. The project has been made possible with the support of the American people.